Friday, January 9, 2015

My RU FIT Testimony



My Quest for Reality Living


Again, I awake in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat, shaking uncontrollably as I have just witnessed another individual being sucked into the void of the spiritual matrix.  I can’t tell you how many times I have seen this, both in my dreams and in reality.  The spiritual matrix is real, and seemingly no amount of effort is making a difference in thwarting the attempts of the enemy (the architect of the false reality) to slow down, much less reverse the onslaught.


My life altering choice

I have been on the front lines of this war since 1980.  I was freed from the powers of the matrix on March 7, 1977.  A battle-tested warrior by the name of Steve Herbster sat me down and explained to me how the matrix (false reality created by Satan) had been blinding me to the reality of my purpose.  He began sharing with me how that I was created for a purpose, and that I could know where I came from, what my purpose entailed and what happens to me when I die.  Agent Smith (in the Matrix Trilogy) was right; even though our purpose is to live and die, it is our choices in between that make the difference.  The choice you make as you are presented with the truth of the false reality will make all the difference as to the function of your “program” in the reality that is yet to come. 


Steve Herbster gave me an opportunity to choose.  As in the Matrix Trilogy series, I could choose the blue pill and reject the truth, or I could take the red pill and be ushered into the reality of why the Creator placed me on this earth.  That was the beginning of a process that has never ceased to challenge and motivate me.  Steve gave me an opportunity to stay in the confines of the false reality (and yes, it’s sweet for a season, but payday is someday), or choose reality living.  I chose life, and that was just the beginning.


Like Neo – as soon as I ingested the red pill I quickly became aware that I could not move my “body parts,” and could not “see.”  My spiritual mentors (like Morpheus) told me that this was normal.  They explained to me that it’s because I’ve never used them before.  They said my spiritual muscles had no strength; up until now, I had been blind to the truth of reality living.  That was when I first understood that to overcome the powers of the false reality I must be able to tap into a higher spiritual power.  My physical strength in the spiritual conflict counted for zippo (I Tim. 4:8).  I was lost!  I didn’t know where to turn!  This new world was wonderful and terrible at the same time.  I was afraid!  I was afraid because there were so many unanswered questions rushing through the concourses of my mind; questions that would be answered in time, but only as I was ready and willing to forget about myself, and commit to the purpose for which I was created (Psalm 102:18).


Choices Are Vital

My first major choice, after being freed from the confines of the false reality, was who would be my companions.  This may seem a little anal; it really is not.  When you take the “red pill” of truth, it will be your choice of friends that can ultimately dictate success or failure in your quest.  Your adversary knows this; he has diabolically inserted people, known as “rogue programs,” into your life to keep you from growing in knowledge about the spiritual matrix.  Many times these “rogue programs” are our spiritual leaders.  The architect of the false reality knows that if you become knowledgeable about how the matrix works, and how it began, that you will be a danger to him.  So, while you are not “of the matrix,” it is his goal to keep you bound to the delicacies “in the matrix.”  As you will find out for yourself one day – one of the dragon’s greatest tools of propaganda is the church and institutions of higher religious education. 


Demons and Fallen Angels

As in the Matrix Trilogy, those pesky sentinels are everywhere.  These are the physical things in your life that the enemy uses to sidetrack you and keep your focus somewhere other than on your purpose.  They don’t have to be inherently evil either.  They just keep you from dealing with the main objective.  They are distractions. Good things if not controlled, but distractions for the enemy to use against you.


The Divine Appointment

So, why do we stay in bondage to the powers of the false reality when the Holy Spirit resides within us?  At a foundational level I believe it is because we don’t know who we really are in Christ.  I recall the first time I became aware of whom I really was outside of the false reality.  Wham, Bam -- the lights came on.  To this day, the excitement, enthusiasm and energy that coursed through my spirit has not diminished; it has grown!  I am excited to confront the powers of the false reality, because I know who I am in Christ (I John 3:2); I am battling for an eternal purpose that has already been won.  I am not fighting toward victory; I am fighting from victory.  Jesus has already won the war, but He is looking for people who will willingly choose to join Him in the everyday battles for truth.


How It Really Began

At this point, I must back up and shed some light on a truth that the enemy would like to stay in the shadows. This light will reveal the beginning of the spiritual matrix.  This has everything to do with who you are and your purpose in life.  I do not jest by saying that most of “Christendom” is blind to the truth of the beginning of the false reality.  The enemy is the author of confusion, and is doing all he can to change truth at its “source” – the Bible.  He is doing this so there will be disagreement about how he (Lucifer) came into existence, what he is doing now, and his ultimate defeat.  Remember – according to agent Smith (in the Matrix Trilogy), everything that has a beginning has an ending.  Listen to the words of Psalm 138:2:  I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth:  for thou hast magnified THY WORD above ALL THY NAME.  This is very interesting; it deserves comment.  Why would the Word of God be magnified above the name of God?  The reason is simple.  If you change the Words of God, then you can change who God / Jesus is; you can also change the identity of the enemy.  Lucifer, Satan, the devil, the crooked serpent, the great dragon, leviathan, and beelzebub’s first attack on mankind was to attack the source of truth – that source being the Words of God.  He has never changed his strategy.  If he can get you to doubt the truth (John 17:17), then he can succeed at making sure you are bound in the false reality until you die.  Checkmate -- Lucifer wins!  The following pages will answer a lot of questions previously unanswered by the majority of spiritual leaders.  Now, let’s take a journey back in time; back to the origin of the dragon himself, the architect of the false reality.

I remember it well.  It was July of 1995.  My family was on its way to Sarasota, Florida to visit my wife’s sister when I “decided” to call Ken (my youth pastor during my high school years), and ask him if we could possibly have lunch together.  Little did I know that the Holy Spirit directed this appointment?  It was the providence of God leading me to an understanding of the false reality.  On our way back to Charlotte, North Carolina, we stopped by Ocala, stayed the night and part of the next day to talk with Ken and his wife Karin.  He started the evening by asking me what I thought was a simple question.  He said, “Mark, what is the theme of the Bible?”  I blurted out confidently (an easy one – right?): “Jesus Christ is the theme of the Bible.”  “No it isn’t,” was Ken’s reply.  Well, that floored me; I picked my ego off the floor and Ken proceeded to show me from the Bible how Jesus was the central person of the Bible, but He was not the central theme of the Bible.  He explained to me that the theme of the Bible is about a kingdom, and that in the beginning, God had established a perfect kingdom for all its inhabitants to enjoy.  He continued by saying that after a long period of time, His anointed cherub started wanting what was not his to possess.  Lucifer attempted a hostile takeover of the mountain of God by convincing one third of the angelic beings to rebel with him, and usurp the kingdom from God.  Lucifer failed; although the war he began in the ancient past has continued to this day.  That was the beginning of the false reality.


The above conversation was the beginning of my journey to truly understand the Bible and its plan for our lives, this earth, and the universe.  Don’t allow Satan to keep you blinded to truth while playing church each week.  Jesus could return for His bride today; RU Ready to give account for your actions, as they match up to His purpose, at the judgment seat of Christ. Maybe Today!

Live Out Loud!

Mark D. Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2


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