Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The "Issue" of Trump and Planned Parenthood

The Issue: Trump and Planned Parenthood

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Lately, since the videos about how PP uses aborted baby parts, I’ve heard a lot of chatter about how Trump should not be President because he won’t come out and say he will ban PP; although, he has been pro life for over a decade.  Over and over Trump has said he is pro life, but that he likes the good things that PP does for underprivileged women.  While I personally am against PP and would like to see them defunded … we must present a viable alternative plan to help cover underprivileged women before yanking away their security net.  That is the sentiment of Trump, but his enemies refuse to acknowledge this of him … just because he won’t say he will totally defund PP.

I also have a problem with this legalistic line of thinking on another level.  I looked at the history of PP (I also have a link that you can read for yourself) and guess what … it’s been around for a very long time … actually … from inception … since 1916. I realize Sanger is a very wicked women, but that is not my point here; although, I am well aware many will  point at her and cry … burn the witch at the stake!  My point can be reflected in the last 3 Republican Presidents who did nothing to defund PP during their 20 year tenure in the White House.


*Ronald Reagan did not defund Planned Parenthood*


*George Bush Sr. did not defund Planned Parenthood*


*George W. Bush did not defund Planned Parenthood*

My point in this is that the wickedness of abortion is just as egregious 1 second after inception as it is 1 second before a live birth.  This is something the legalistic crowd seems to be blind and deaf to, for their own reasons.  I know this group that is shouting at Trump means well … I know they say there are acting on core principles … I know they say not voting for Trump on the basis of abortion is a matter of conscience.  But … where was this outcry during the election of Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush W?  Where was the outcry that demanded they defund PP or they would not vote for them as a matter of conviction and/or conscience?  It was not there … why … because Trump wasn’t the clear leader and they didn’t create an issue for followers to piggy back upon.

I would put forth that this attack on the “issue” of Trump and PP has not been thought out too well … which is  par for the course for many on the conservative legalistic side of this argument.   Does Trump talk before thinking things through so he can articulate it more clearly … YES.  Is Trump boisterous … YES.  Is Trump out of the mainstream political environment … YES.  Is Trump a believer … I don’t think so (but nobody knows but him and God).  Does Trump love America … I believe he does and has proved it over and over in his life (maybe not in ways conservative, legalistic bending Christians who have lost touch with a post Christian culture and can’t be IN the world but not OF it in a practical sense would do it).

So … please don’t try to bully and preach to people about Trump being a baby hatter and an overall PP lover when that isn’t the truth.  If that were true then Ronald Reagan, George Bush SR, and George W. Bush would be baby hatters and PP lovers too.  Please think things through before attacking Trump on this issue. If Trump proves to be untrustworthy and is lying about what he wants to do to make America Great Again then I will adjust my position, but … until then … GO TRUMP!

Ted Cruz has hurt the cause of Christ more by his ongoing deceit (while thumping his Bible while holding it high in the air) in his campaign than Donald Trump has done in his lifetime.  People look at Trump and don’t really believe he is a Christian (although nobody really knows that but him and God); however, people do believe Cruz is a believer (although nobody knows that but him and God) and he is causing millions to not trust what Christians say or do.  I despise this in the Cruz campaign and wish more believers would rise up and condemn him for this travesty on the cause of truth and the cross of Christ!

This is Mark Harrell … I am a dedicated Christian and Pastor … and I, as of this point, am a supporter of Donald Trump for President so he can follow up on his promises to the American people and Make America Great Again!

Mark Harrell - …and I approve this message!

Habakkuk 2:2

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