Sunday, December 28, 2014

What or who is the Whore of Babylon

The last of the 7 "Mysteries" given to every church age believer.
Mystery #7:

The SEVENTH MYSTERY Is:  The Mystery of Babylon The Great


As we have just seen, the mystery of iniquity is the men and personalities of the Antichrist.  This final Mystery has to do with a religious and political system that will dominate the earth during the Tribulation Period.  This is the Whore that rides the Beast into world dominance.  As you will see in a later chapter, the Beast is referred to in the Book of Job as the multi headed creature called the Behemoth, and the Dragon that empowers the Behemoth is Leviathan.  But for now, let’s just focus our attention on the mystery of Babylon The Great.  We will exegete this more fully, in story form, when we get to the rapture of the church and the tribulation period.  But, for now we will just describe the basic attributes of the mystery of Babylon the Great.

Nimrod – The Beginning of Babylon the Great

The mystery religion of Babylon the Great can be historically traced all the way back to the first attempt at a world empire by a man name Nimrod.  This is the 1st head of the seven headed beast in Revelation thirteen.  I will not cover this history in detail (it would take far too much time to cover all of the intricate historical details here), but I would like to point you to a fantastic book that outlines the history of this mystery religion.  The book is “Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop.  Just “google it” and you will find it immediately.  It will be an invaluable resource as you prepare yourself to engage the philosopher’s stone of the false reality.

The “System” Introduced, Defined and Judged

The religious and political system is introduced in Revelation 17:1-6, defined in Revelation 17:7-18 and judged in Revelation 18.  It contains a number of characteristics that appear in all false religions connected with the whore of Babylon.  Let’s look at these characteristics.  Remember – these characteristics are historically traced in Hislop’s fantastic book – “The Two Babylons.”   (1)  Female deity.  (2)  Drink offerings of blood.  (3)  Human sacrifice and cannibalism.  Do you know of a current religious system that claims to eat the literal body and blood of Christ on a regular basis?  (4)  Mystery priesthood.  (5) Repetitious prayers and chanting.  Again, what religion encourages this?  (6)  Multiple “gods.”  Do you know of a current religious system that makes it a practice to venerate dead people to a special status in the spiritual activity?  (7)  Fertility rites.  This is the origin of Easter.  It is of pagan origin.  (8)  Special days – such as Saints and Feast days.  Hislop outlines these events meticulously.  (9)  Communion with the dead, or what is known as spiritism.  We are never to pray to dead people (saints) in order to get anything accomplished.  Do you know of a current religious system that encourages this?  All of these characteristics can be traced through history, and are intimately associated with the mystery religion of the whore of Babylon – with its ecclesiastical head being that of the Pontifex Maximus (I will explain this in the story to follow).

The Seven Heads of the Beast of Revelation

There is much confusion as to the identity of the seven heads of the beast of Revelation.  I will sort through a lot of this, in story form, when we uncover the identity of our enemy in a couple of chapters; but I do want to give a short summary of those seven heads, or attempts at a world empire through the mystery religion of Babylon the Great.  The key is to rightly divide the Word of Truth and to have a proper understanding of the theme of the Bible – which is the battle for a kingdom.  This battle started with Lucifer in the ancient past, and continues throughout the history of mankind – until the religious and political systems ultimate defeat in Revelation nineteen.

This beast is the religious and political domain of the gentiles from Nimrod to the future reign of the Antichrist.  There is a short break in this gentile domination between the reign of the Pharaohs and Sennacerib (The Assyrians).  This gap is when the Jews had world dominion (The Golden Age) under the reign of King David, his son Solomon, and leading to their ultimate captivity.   It is important to remember that the mystery religion of Babylon is starting with Nimrod and is the thread that connects all of these political systems.

(1)  Nimrod – approx. 2300 B.C. in Babylon.

(2)  Pharaoh – approx. 1800 B.C. in Egypt.

(3)  Sennacerib – approx. 760 B.C. in Assyria.

(4)  Nebuchadnezzar – approx. 606 B.C. in Babylon.

(5)  Cyrus – 536 B.C. in Persia.

(6)  Alexander – 330 B.C. in Greece.

(7)  Caesar – 100 B.C. in Rome.

(8)  Antichrist – The Coming Future World Kingdom.

Again – The Word of God Reveals The Truth

Revelation 17:8 clears up the “mystery” of the future world empire ruled by the Antichrist.  Let’s take a look at the verse, and then we will address the questions.

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

The beast was (Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar), and is not.  The Bible says that he shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition.  This is when he takes over the body of the Antichrist midway through the tribulation period.  The 8th world leader (the possessed Antichrist) is a conglomeration of all the previous seven religious kingdoms.  Let’s go back to the Word of God again for clarification.

Rev. 17:10-12   And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. [11] And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. [12] And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

The five kings that had fallen were the Kingdoms of 1,2,3,5 and 6 – from the above list.  Kingdom number four is a repeat (“the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth.”)  The kingdom that “is,” is the ruling kingdom at the time of the writing of Revelation.  That was the Caesars of Rome.  He, “the eighth, is a combination of all previously mentioned kingdoms – since the mystery religions of Babylon is the thread that unites all of these kingdoms. 

It Helps To Know WHY

I hope you now know why the Oracle felt it necessary to tell Neo that he would not succeed in his mission if he did not know the WHY of what he was doing.  When you know WHY you do what you do, it gives you an unshakable confidence to firmly stand against any opposition the false reality throws your direction.  The Antichrist is going to rule the world with the help of a mystery religion, or as the Bible calls it – the whore of Babylon.  She (the whore) is going to ride the beast (the confederation of ten world governments that the Antichrist rules) until the middle of the tribulation.  At that time the Antichrist will be possessed by the devil himself, destroy the whore and set himself up as the one true Deity.  Wow!  The mystical spiritual philosophy behind the “gospel of Judas,The DaVinci Code, and the Harry Potter novels, is going to help this event take shape.  Satan has been looking – the last two thousand years -- for a culture that is ripe for the taking, and he has found it in our current relativistic setting.  Our culture is enamored by the “do it yourself” approach of the mystic religions, and we need to do our best to occupy (defend the truth) until He (Jesus) comes and exposes people to the absolute truth of God’s Word.  We need to do this before it is too late for them to choose the truth.

Well, that ends our quick look at the seven mysteries that God is holding spiritual leaders accountable to pass on to other possessors of the red pill of redemption.  I hope this has been information that has stirred your heart to engage in the battle to defeat the architech of the false reality.  He knows he is a defeated enemy, and he is trying to drag as many people to hell as he can before his time comes to an end.  He is also trying to weaken those who have accepted the RED PILL so that they cannot multiply themselves in the life of another.  He wants you to stay busy in the barreness of a busy life, locked away in the four walls of a cathedral, while your family, neighbors, workmates and friends run headlong into an eternity separated from God in a lake of fire.  You must willingly choose to be a mouthpiece for God and proclaim him as the King of Kings, and systematically equip others to join you in the war that is raging for the souls of mankind. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

RU FIT Daily Devotions (MONDAY)


RU FIT Devotions

(Monday through Friday)

Ministry of:  Graceway Church, Oakboro

The Story:  Purified Seven Times (Psalm 12:6-7)  - Part I

To be able to defend (apologetics) the truth, it is important to know WHY the Bible can be trusted.  This study will give you tools to know what the Bible says about itself.  The basis of all truth is God’s inspired, infallible, inherent words.  Without this there is not truth; everything becomes relative.  May God use this study to strengthen your trust in God’s plan for your life, this earth, and the universe.


Psa 12:6  The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

Psa 12:7  Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

My passion for this whole book resides in this section!  I could write an entire book on this subject (and I will after I’m finished with this one).  It is my experience – through twenty-nine years of “full-time” ministry experience – that very few people are aware that there are fingerprints attached to the preserved Word of God.  It is going to be my honor to share those fingerprints with you.

This section will not be exhaustive; I just want to point you in the right direction.  I will give you sources whereby you can research the truth of a preserved text for yourself.  That’s where you lock in truth anyway.  With knowledge comes power.  The same is true when you have knowledge about the fingerprints of the Bible’s origin.

John 17:17 defines the origin of truth when it reveals, “Sanctify them by thy Word; thy Word is truth.  So, if the rules of Bible study are properly used, then absolute truth can be extrapolated from the source of truth…i.e., the Bible.  It is only when we fail to submit to the proper rules of Bible study that error prevails; this is always true.  We must be men and women who can “rightly divide” the Word of Truth (II Timothy 2:15).  If there is a “rightly way” to divide the truth, then there must logically be a “wrongly way” to do the same.  It is my passion to give you the tools to understand the Bible in the “rightly way.”

The Bible Study:

 Question:  What does Psalm 12:6 say is pure?
Question:  Verse six also says the words are “as” what tried in a furnace of earth?

Question:  How many times does verse 6 say the words are purified?

Question:  According to verse 7, who will preserve and keep the words?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Every Pastor Ought To Work @ Chick fil A for 6 Months



My Personal Path in the Race of Life

“Every Pastor ought to work 6 months at Chick fil A”


As I was running my 6 mile loop around the UNCC Campus today in Charlotte, NC, I began thinking about all the varied opportunities God has given me to work with differing groups of people over the years since being old enough to have a job.  I believe every place I have worked has helped shape how the church ought to “look” … especially as it relates to the unchurched and unsaved. 

I am convinced that the church is, overtly or not, establishing “ministries” in their church with the “already saved” in mind.  With the “already saved” comes instant givers, instant attendee’s, instant S.S. teachers, etc.  If you focus on equipping the people to impact lives where they live, work, and play, then the work at maturing individuals becomes a long, tedious process.  But it is a process that is supported in Scripture.  It is a process that truly defines our purpose on this big, beautiful blue ball called earth.

So, in a nutshell, here is my vocational journey up to this point:

1.  Food Town (Now Food Lion):  I was a bag boy and gained raises due to doing what others did not want  to do in the store.  My boss took notice and rewarded me for that service.

2.  Skateland USA:  I was just sitting there with friends at a table because I had a broken jaw at the time, and Rock (the owner of Chick fil A) came up to my table and offered me a job on the spot.  This experience taught me many lessons which I will share at a later date because they truly impacted my life greatly.

3.  Building Houses with Mr. Collins (Florence, SC):  This job taught me how to work hard.  I gained an idea of just how hard people work every day to sustain their families.

4.  Summer Bailing Hay: We didn’t know it, but the man who hired us told the country boys he had working for them that these city slicker kids would outwork them.  He did not tell us of his challenge, but by the end of the day we had bailed about twice as much hay as the country boys did.  We later found out and asked him why he threw down such a challenge and he said, “They didn’t know you guys were Christians and that you would work hard at whatever you did.”  That taught me a great life lesson: Whatever your hand findeth to do, do it heartily as unto the Lord.  Thank you Mr. Moran for that life lesson!

5.  Macy’s Outlet Center Asst. Manager – Atlanta, Ga:  While interviewing for a job my Sr. year in Bible college I was asked by the hiring manager why he should hire me instead of the 8 people he had already interviewed and the others he was to interview after me.  To the question I said, “I will work my best even if no one is watching because Jesus sees me all the time, and in doing well for him I will do well for you.”  He looked at me, picked up the phone, and instructed his secretary to cancel the other appointments because the job had been filled. 

6.  Hughes Supply Water and Sewer Industry/Mainline Supply:  These jobs did more for me, as far as opening my eyes to the failure of the church to become relevant, than any job I have ever had.  I rubbed shoulders with everyone from people with no high school degree digging ditches to high powered executives who called the shots for multi-million dollar business deals.  I will always treasure this opportunity to experience first-hand what it is the church needs to accomplish if we are to reach the unchurched and unsaved.

7.  Chick fil A Manager:  I am thankful for Rob asking me to come on board as one of his managers for the opportunity to build integrity into the lives of young men and women as they were learning skills for the marketplace.  I learned more about serving others at Chick fil A than I did at any other job I have worked in the religious world.  Chick fil A has learned how to apply Biblical principles to build their business better than the church.  I think it would be a good idea for any church to keep paying their pastor a salary while allowing him to work 20 hours a week for 6 months at Chick fil A.  It would be well worth the investment.  You would have a new and invigorated man of God when he returned.

8.  My jobs in the Religious Workplace:  Youth Pastor, Children’s Pastor, Outreach Pastor, College and Career Pastor, Jr. Church Coordinator, Minister of Education, Assistant Pastor, Pastor.  I could not be the leader I am to be to the people I now pastor without having had the experiences of the personal path God has allowed in my life.  In fact, that is why I was able to discern truth from error when presented to me.

Love your job and use it to impact people for eternity!


Mark Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2


Friday, December 12, 2014

My Desire To Inspire

People have asked me why I post all my runs on social media. The answer is simple: I Desire To Inspire.  I know where I was physically just 2 ½ years ago:  obese, out of shape, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, borderline diabetic … and I could go on and on.  I know how close I was to a point of no return, as far as my health was concerned.   78% of pastors are obese according to the latest statistics.  The danger of this is not only physical, but spiritual as well. 

On my run today … which was one of my most enjoyable ever … I was thinking about how thankful I was for my health … and how I will never go back to not taking care of the temple given to me by God.  As for me:  I will protect this house!

 Emergency Bar 038.JPG

I had not run a mile, before beginning exercising, since 1986 (when I was in college).  The first two weeks were brutal, to say the least.  My body fought what was needed with every step I took; however, I knew I needed a life change if I were to live life to its fullest potential.  After two weeks something amazing happened that I found out happens to everyone who sticks with it … I began to really enjoy running. There are so many benefits … not all have to do with physical health.  Like today … I was amazed at the beauty of bird nests settled in barren tree branches and thought of the verse that God knows and cares about the sparrows; therefore, we know He cares for us too!  The meditations with God and self are incredible, and the energy it provides is almost not fair to others who seem so tired for doing practically nothing all day.

Why do I run?  Because people regularly thank me for encouraging them to get off their duffs and take care of themselves.  Like one friend of mine said the other day, “There Mark goes again running … what’s my excuse for not exercising?”  It is an amazing feeling helping someone finish their first 5k and begin a lifestyle of staying healthy.

So, my question to you today is:  RU FIT with a (Faith that Impacts Today)? If not … why not begin today by going to: and sign up for your RU FIT Challenge Today!

Mark Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2

Saturday, December 6, 2014

RU FIT Daily Devotions - Terrorism on Truth (12-8-2014)

RU FIT Daily Devotions
(Monday through Friday)
The Story:  Terrorism on Truth (Part XIII) 
The Wikipedia Encyclopedia also declares that “the famous Ourbouros drawing from the early alchemical text The Chrysopoeia of Cleopatra, dating to second century Alexandria, encloses the words hen to pan, which means – “one, the all,” i.e. “all is one.”  Its black and white halves represent the Gnostic duality of existence.  Thus we find a connection of alchemy to Alexandria, to the yin-yang, to the Ourbouros, and ultimately to Gnosticism itself.  They are all part and parcel of the same philosophy.  This will come in handy as we continue our journey through the battle for the preserved text of the Bible.  It is interesting that in Satanism, “the Ourbouros represents the demon-god leviathan, the serpent of the void of primal chaos.18   As Sherlock Holmes says, “Watson – something is afoot.”
The Ourbouros is “a symbol of the eternal unity of all things, the cycle of birth and death which the alchemist sought release and liberation.”19   Sir Thomas Brown wrote in his A Letter To A Friend, “All things began in order so shall they end, so shall they begin again according to the ordainer of order and the mystical mathematics of the city of heaven.”  Psychologist Carl Jung wrote, in reference to the alchemist that…”He symbolizes the one, who proceeds from the clash of opposites, and he therefore constitutes the secret of the prima materia which…unquestionably stems from man’s unconscious.”20   It is interesting that Jung was given the gospel of Judas (a Gnostic gospel that attacks the truth of the Bible) as a gift.
Stay with this step by step study.  We are about to expose Gnosticisms attack on our culture; it is an attack that has been going on for quite a while in our literature and film industry.  This is one of the reasons why we are losing our culture to eastern religions; the entertainment outlets of the world are vying for the attention of our youth!

The Bible Study:
Question:  As a way to set the tone for what’s coming … what does “hen to pan” mean (this is the name of the symbol of the Ourbouros)?
Question:  What do the dual halves of the Ourbouros represent?
Question:  What are the connections of Gnosticism have been drawn in world religions thus far in our study?
Question:  What does the Ourbouros represent in Satanism?
Question:  What did Carl Jung say about the Ourbouros (a leading world Psychologist)?

RU FIT Devotions - An Introduction


Find Your FIT (Faith Influencing Today) with RU FIT Daily Devotions

MyLife is dedicated to leading people through their spiritual journey of life by answering the big three questions everyone has in a step by step process.  The big three questions area:

  1. Where did I come from?
  2. What is my purpose for life and living?
  3. What happens when I die?

Each week a Bible study devotion will be available called: RU FIT.  The study will be broken down into 5 bite-size pieces in order for easier assimilation of the material.  The RU FTT Devotions will start with the foundational elements for successful living; after which, study topics will be added based on relevant issues people struggle with on a daily basis. 

During our journey together, you will also be provided with the 15 keys that unlock Biblical understanding, an intimate look at why you can trust your Bible by walking you through the history of how the original text (which no longer exits) was preserved over the course of thousands of years.

It will be my goal for the devotions to be ready by Monday afternoon.  I encourage you to take part in this study personally, with your spouse, and kids – if there are any in the household.  It is part of the purpose of spiritual leaders to instruct people how to understand the Bible so that they can, in turn, lead their families to spiritual significance that lasts an eternity (gold, silver, and precious stones – our accounting at the judgment seat of Christ).

My God bless as you begin the fantastic journey, and may God honor your efforts to share this with those in our worlds of influence – where you live, work, and play.


Mark D. Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2