Friday, December 12, 2014

My Desire To Inspire

People have asked me why I post all my runs on social media. The answer is simple: I Desire To Inspire.  I know where I was physically just 2 ½ years ago:  obese, out of shape, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, borderline diabetic … and I could go on and on.  I know how close I was to a point of no return, as far as my health was concerned.   78% of pastors are obese according to the latest statistics.  The danger of this is not only physical, but spiritual as well. 

On my run today … which was one of my most enjoyable ever … I was thinking about how thankful I was for my health … and how I will never go back to not taking care of the temple given to me by God.  As for me:  I will protect this house!

 Emergency Bar 038.JPG

I had not run a mile, before beginning exercising, since 1986 (when I was in college).  The first two weeks were brutal, to say the least.  My body fought what was needed with every step I took; however, I knew I needed a life change if I were to live life to its fullest potential.  After two weeks something amazing happened that I found out happens to everyone who sticks with it … I began to really enjoy running. There are so many benefits … not all have to do with physical health.  Like today … I was amazed at the beauty of bird nests settled in barren tree branches and thought of the verse that God knows and cares about the sparrows; therefore, we know He cares for us too!  The meditations with God and self are incredible, and the energy it provides is almost not fair to others who seem so tired for doing practically nothing all day.

Why do I run?  Because people regularly thank me for encouraging them to get off their duffs and take care of themselves.  Like one friend of mine said the other day, “There Mark goes again running … what’s my excuse for not exercising?”  It is an amazing feeling helping someone finish their first 5k and begin a lifestyle of staying healthy.

So, my question to you today is:  RU FIT with a (Faith that Impacts Today)? If not … why not begin today by going to: and sign up for your RU FIT Challenge Today!

Mark Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2

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