Monday, December 22, 2014

RU FIT Daily Devotions (MONDAY)


RU FIT Devotions

(Monday through Friday)

Ministry of:  Graceway Church, Oakboro

The Story:  Purified Seven Times (Psalm 12:6-7)  - Part I

To be able to defend (apologetics) the truth, it is important to know WHY the Bible can be trusted.  This study will give you tools to know what the Bible says about itself.  The basis of all truth is God’s inspired, infallible, inherent words.  Without this there is not truth; everything becomes relative.  May God use this study to strengthen your trust in God’s plan for your life, this earth, and the universe.


Psa 12:6  The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

Psa 12:7  Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

My passion for this whole book resides in this section!  I could write an entire book on this subject (and I will after I’m finished with this one).  It is my experience – through twenty-nine years of “full-time” ministry experience – that very few people are aware that there are fingerprints attached to the preserved Word of God.  It is going to be my honor to share those fingerprints with you.

This section will not be exhaustive; I just want to point you in the right direction.  I will give you sources whereby you can research the truth of a preserved text for yourself.  That’s where you lock in truth anyway.  With knowledge comes power.  The same is true when you have knowledge about the fingerprints of the Bible’s origin.

John 17:17 defines the origin of truth when it reveals, “Sanctify them by thy Word; thy Word is truth.  So, if the rules of Bible study are properly used, then absolute truth can be extrapolated from the source of truth…i.e., the Bible.  It is only when we fail to submit to the proper rules of Bible study that error prevails; this is always true.  We must be men and women who can “rightly divide” the Word of Truth (II Timothy 2:15).  If there is a “rightly way” to divide the truth, then there must logically be a “wrongly way” to do the same.  It is my passion to give you the tools to understand the Bible in the “rightly way.”

The Bible Study:

 Question:  What does Psalm 12:6 say is pure?
Question:  Verse six also says the words are “as” what tried in a furnace of earth?

Question:  How many times does verse 6 say the words are purified?

Question:  According to verse 7, who will preserve and keep the words?

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