Thursday, June 19, 2014

How To Overcome Regurgitated Christianity

Run Log: 6-18-2014

Today, as I’m sitting in my house icing my back, I’m reminded about the basics of running.  There are times one runs and times one should take a break; today is one of those times my body is telling me to take a break.  It wasn’t even a running incident that has caused me to pay attention to my back … it was a work related injury.  Even so, I must be attune to the changes every day life can bring and hearken to the need at the moment.

Running is so much like our spiritual journey of life.  I remember when I first began running … I would do what I wanted … regardless on the impact it would have on my overall fitness.  I now know that is why I stayed injured most of the time (and it was running related).  I was acting like a child … wanting what I wanted instead of what was best.  As I’ve matured as a runner I’ve learned that there are certain basics by which we must abide, and if those basics are not adhered to, one will find that they are constantly injured.

That is so much like the Christian life; there are many believers who believe they are ready for the challenges of taking on the unseen realm, when in fact, they need to adhere to the basics and grow to the point that they are strong enough to live as soldiers.  Let me explain by listing the stages of spiritual growth as mentioned in the New Testament.  It is important for and individual to realize where they are in the stages of spiritual growth so they can mature without getting “injured.”  It would be unwise for someone who is a “child” in the faith to act as if they are a “father” … this would be very dangerous … and it is totally unnecessary.  One of the primary responsibilities of any spiritual leader is to mature people progressively through the stages of spiritual growth so proper maturity can be achieved.   The physical stages of spiritual growth are used in the New Testament on purpose, because Romans one teaches us that God used the things that He has made to explain the things that are spiritual and unseen.  In that way, He has used the stages of physical growth to show us the process of spiritual growth; they are incredibly similar.  Here are the stages:

 1.  A Babe in Christ:  A new believer is totally unprepared for their new life in Christ, just as a baby is totally dependent on their parents to live.

 2.  A Little Child:  I wouldn’t dream of leaving my little child in a situation where they are not watched constantly. So … we must be guarding our little children in the faith as Satan attempts to keep them from maturing in the faith.

 3.  A Child: It is at this point that the little child is becoming more responsible; however, they still have a long way to go because they believe everything is about them and they are easily distracted.

 4.  A Young Man:  It is at this stage of maturity that the individual is beginning to “overcome the wicked one” on their own.  It is at this juncture that they must be prepared for the time that they will begin a family of their own.  It is important that believers don’t “birth” spiritual babies until they are ready to raise those birthed babies through the maturation process.

 5.  A Father:  It is at this stage that the individual is bringing others into life in Christ, and it is important that they are ready and willing to raise that new baby to spiritual adulthood.  If we produce “sons of God” before we are a spiritual father, we are no better than third world countries who have babies they can’t take care of.  We must not pawn our babies (new sons of God) off on others or the “church,” we must raise them to adulthood as proper parents.

 6.  An Elder:  This is the stage where spiritual leaders are born.  One should never hold a position of spiritual authority of any kind until they have purposefully travelled through the stages of spiritual growth.  That is one reason why many of our churches are not fulfilling the purpose of God.  The fact is that they have not been placed in their positions by God.  An elder is placed in the body to be an example of spiritual maturity.  They have been there and done that; therefore, they can lead others properly.

 7.  The Aged:  This is where a world vision is developed and expanded.  Your influence begins to thrive beyond your present locality. 

 My question to you is simple: Where are you as it concerns the stages of spiritual growth?  It is important to be honest.  How can you lead others to where you’ve never been?  How can you grow to the next step of spiritual growth if you don’t know where you are right now?

May God help us mature beyond the same ole same ole of regurgitated Christianity beginning today!


Mark Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2

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