Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bible Believers Are NOT Protestants

Bible Believers Are NOT Protestants



I was just thinking about this the other day when I had to fill out another form (of one kind or another), and when it got to religion … it didn’t have mine.  I am not a Protestant; I am a Bible Believer.  The reason I associate with the Baptists most is because the Baptists (up until recently) have been most closely aligned to Bible Believers.  Ever since “Willow Creek Church” and “Saddleback Community Church” popped on the scene with its easy believism approach to Christianity, there has been a shift in what the Gospel “really” means and that doctrine is to be divided up into essential and non-essential categories.  Bible Believers reject this.  The fact that many Baptist churches are buying into these concepts is what causes me to call myself a Bible Believer instead of a Baptist.  Does that mean that I do not associate with Baptists … no it does not.  The same way it does not prevent me for being an influence to persons from any other religious group.


So … why do I say Bible Believers are NOT Protestants?  Simply because … we are NOT Protestants.  In the frame below, the beginnings of various religious groups are shown.  This is misleading because, although we can trace the beginnings of the Baptist faith, the Baptists trace their roots to the Apostolic Church.  To be a protestant is to say that you were once part of the “true” church … the Roman Catholic Church.  The Roman Catholic Church claims that Peter was given the “keys” to the kingdom and the mysteries of God (boy I can go for a long time on this area).  That is why they claim (falsely so) their beginnings to be 33A.D. 


The Catholic Church decrees that Baptists are part of the group that PROTESTED (hence – Protestant Reformation) the Catholic Church and began the Protestant Reformation.  There are many things that happened as a result of the Protestant Reformation that has hurt “churches” badly even until today … but … we don’t have time to go there right now.  Baptist … and many other Christian groups not mentioned on “forms,” were not spawns of the Catholic Church.  We have never been part or associated with the false teaching or crimes (Inquisition, etc) perpetrated by the Catholic Church.  Let me say a word about the Crusades, since it is relevant to a false statement by our illustrious President that the Crusades were evil.  The Crusades, in themselves, were not evil; they were totally necessary to prevent the onslaught of the Muslims from capturing Europe.  If not for the Crusades, all of Europe would today be Muslim … that would be a terrible thing for the world.  However, I do acknowledge that there were Crusaders that committed unspeakable acts against other human beings.  My point in this is that Bible Believers are not associated with the people who committed these acts … Bible Believers have NO connection with the Catholic Church, in fact, we were persecuted by the Catholic Church as being heretics in the Inquisition, and many were forced to bow their allegiance to the Church instead of the truth of the Gospel.  I, for one, being a Bible Believer adamantly deny being part of the Catholic Church in any way, shape, or form.  Our cousins were the Anabaptists, the Waldensians, the Moravians, etc.  We were all persecuted for NOT being part of the Catholic Church; and therefore, we are not Protestants


In the frame above, House says that you cannot “reason” with religious people.  Let me make another statement: I hate religion!  My faith is not a religion, for a religion is man-made.  The Catholic Church is a religion … it is man-made.  True Christianity is a relationship with God provided exclusively by the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross and his resurrection from the dead.  It is God-made!  I have NO relationship with God without the blood of Jesus applied to my life … plus and minus nothing!  So House … you are right.  People who place their eternal destinies on a man-made faith have no clue.  That is why it is so important for true believers to be relevant Ambassador’s for Christ to their worlds of influence: where they live, work, and play.  It is vital for us to be F.I.T. with a F-aith that I-nfluences T-day! 


I am beginning a Running Club in the University Area of Charlotte so I can do just that.  I want to live life with ordinary people so they can see a difference in me and want to know what I have. The essence of the Gospel (the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ) is to be lived daily.  It is not to be contrived … it is to be genuine, heartfelt, and compassionate.  We must be IN the world while not being OF the world.  That is what will win the trust and respect of those outside the Body of Christ.  It is important for Bible Believers to know what they believe and know from whence they came: we are NOT, nor have ever been Protestants!




Mark Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2

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