Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The 7 Mysteries Revealed (I Cor. 4:1)

The reason that these seven mysteries (given to the Apostle Paul during his 17 years of preparation) are of utmost importance is because they help prevent BAD DOCTRINE and HERESIES. If you come across someone – like Aquila and Priscilla did with Apollos in Acts 18:24-26 – who is wallowing in incorrect doctrine, you can use the seven mysteries to help clear up the matter.

Spiritual Leaders Should Be Qualified To Lead – Shouldn’t They?

One of the glaring weaknesses of the modern Institutional Church is that its spiritual leaders are not guardians of the SEVEN MYSTERIES that were given to Church Age believers for use in its battle against the powers of the false reality (I Corinthians 4:1).   

Running Tip: The reason these MYSTERIES are so important is that they give us the necessary tools to defend the Gospel against religions that are not based on the sole sufficiency of Jesus Christ.

The Bible says in Acts 4:12 - neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

The MYSTERIES construct a difference between authentic Christianity and every other religion on the face of the earth. The SEVEN MYSTERIES make it impossible for anyone to add Christianity to their smorgasbord of religious beliefs. It is Jesus Christ alone or nothing at all.  It is no wonder, then, that Satan has attempted – and succeeded – to blind the minds of many of our spiritual leaders and religious institutions as to the power that lies within these SEVEN MYSTERIES.  I know, if not by the grace of God I’d be blind to them also.

The SEVEN MYSTERIES are the driving force behind the reason we go through the seven stages of spiritual growth. Remember: God will never lead us into a situation where He will not work it out for His glory.

Running Tip: Spiritual success will be given to those who know and use the proper tools.

What I am sharing with you are the tools of the spiritual trade. It is vital that we keep our tools sharpened, well oiled and in good shape to ensure their effectiveness whenever we are called upon to use them. We never know when they will come in handy, so we must always be ready for the opportunity.

These Mysteries Are To Be Used OUTSIDE the Four Walls of a Building

Most Christians do not see the need for these tools because, in the hustle and bustle of their weekly church activities, they never infringe on the enemy’s territory. They are as dangerous to the false reality as a leaf blowing aimlessly in the wind; Satan leaves them to the barrenness of their busy lives, knowing that all their effort will avail them nothing.

The following pages are going to be a simple cross-referencing of the mysteries found in the Pauline Epistles (doctrine for the church).  An incredible thread of supernatural power is revealed as we trace this word through the preserved Bible. Now – let’s take a look at these SEVEN MYSTERIES that are openly declared in the Bible.

Pay close attention to the meaning of these SEVEN MYSTERIES.  Again – it is not my purpose to overwhelm you with flowering academic words that are as lasting as cotton candy once it makes contact with our tongues. I trust that you will flesh the following principles out to their fullest extent as you learn to apply the keys of Bible study to your daily routine. My goal is to lead you to the point where you can fish for spiritual truth (keys of Bible study) on your own, and not have to always rely on someone else to do the spiritual fishing for you.  I think I’ve said enough for an introduction, so let’s get to the good stuff and dive into the SEVEN MYSTERIES that set true Christianity apart from all other faiths/religions on the face of the earth.  They are very powerful in your witness for Christ.



Mark Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2

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