Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Why Thomas Jefferson and the Karan

Terrorism on Truth – Why Jefferson Owned the Karan


Satan has perverted the Word of God as Keith Ellison, a U.S. Congressman from the 5th district of Minnesota, has perverted why Thomas Jefferson ordered a copy of the Koran to be printed in the English language.


Listen closely to the subtle deceit that is taking place in this event.  Keith Ellison demanded the use of Thomas Jefferson’s own copy of the Koran, because he wanted to use Thomas Jefferson’s Koran to swear his oath of allegiance to the Constitution at his Inauguration ceremony.  Keith Ellison said that he wanted to use Jefferson’s Koran because it proved that a visionary leader like Thomas Jefferson knew that wisdom could be gleaned from many sources.5


Wow!  Talk about politics at its worst.  That statement by Keith Ellison could not be more incorrect.  The truth is that Jefferson needed a copy of the Koran because America was going to war with a radical branch of Muslims called the Wahhabi.  Jefferson was the “C.I.A.” of that day, and wanted intelligence about how the enemy thought.  He wanted to get into the heads of the Barbary Pirates so he could defeat them.  A reference to this event in American history is penned in the words of the Marine Corps Hymn:  From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli.” 


USS Constitution And USS Constellation

As a result of this intelligence, the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) and her sister ship, the USS Constellation, were built to wage war with the Muslim Pirates operating on North Africa’s Barbary Coast.  These Barbary pirates were the first terrorists with which America had to battle.  Jefferson was not going to pay for “protection” any longer; he understood the long-term repercussions of allowing bullies to run free.  America only had a national budget of about $7,000,000 in 1801 A.D., but they were paying out $1,575,000 to terrorists in order to “keep the peace.”6


In 1805 A.D., the USS Constitution supported the landing of marines on the shores of Tripoli in an action that will be forever remembered in the Marine Corps Hymn.  The Americans and her allies turned the Tripoli harbor into a pile of rubbish and freed the world from domination by militant Islam for nearly two hundred years.  On September 11, 2001, conservative, Wahhabi-type, radical Islam killed nearly three thousand Americans in New York City.7


Is The Bible Preserved, Or Is It Not

So, what you hear is not always representative of the truth.  We must always compare what someone says with the facts.  Keith Ellison, you did not share with us the facts of why Thomas Jefferson had a copy of the Koran printed in the English language.  He was not attempting to “gain wisdom,” but as a visionary, Jefferson knew that to defeat your enemy, you must know your enemy.  The enemy is not Islam; the enemy is the distortion of truth!


I know men who are genuinely interested in doing what is right, but they are stuck in a faulty paradigm of thinking taught to them in a seminary.  I am qualified to speak on the subtle satanic trap of institutionalized religion, because I was in its midst for over twenty years of professional “full time” service. 

May God give us leaders who understand the subtle attack by the enemy to change the Word of God at its source!  It is the greatest act of terrorism on this planet.  ISIS doesn't compare to its power!

Mark Harrell - Habakkuk 2:2

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