Thursday, October 30, 2014

Is it a sin for a Christian to be Obese

This article is in response to another article I read this morning titled: Should a Christian Drink.  I thought on this during my entire 5 mile run today and couldn’t help but notice (not on the author’s part … but on his toe-the-line argument) a degree of hypocrisy.   Let me explain.  The basic premise of his article was as follows,

This is a post for professing Christians not regarding alcohol as much as the process of sanctification and personal holiness…

I’ll say it: I think drinking alcohol is a sin. I think the Bible clearly addresses the issue. I think Christians have made a black and white issue gray.

Context: I often hear from folks who would know, that one of the huge issues killing the effectiveness of churches today is that of social drinking. No one argues over drunkenness. But everyone seems to argue over how drunk is sinfully drunk.

Last week I attended a wonderful conference of church leaders and we spent quite a bit of time on this sensitive issue. There was (from what I could tell) 100% agreement that Christians should not drink alcohol. But no one in the room seemed willing to step over the line and call it sin. The political-correct dancing around the topic was almost amusing to watch.”

The complete article can be read at:

While I have never drank alcohol … the Bible does not say that drinking alcohol, in itself, is a sin.  It is an issue of Christian liberty.  Christian liberty is a discussion it itself, but with that being said … the Bible implores us to “not let our good be evil spoken of.”  Churches need to do a better job in helping their people respond to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis and life circumstances.  The goal is to give glory to God in what we do, say, or where we go.  This understanding will solve the to drink or not to drink issue.

Let me answer this by posing another question; one to which there is much need.  Is it a sin for a Christian to be obese?  That question is of more practical importance than asking if it is a sin for Christian to drink.  A few years back I weighed in at 240 pounds.  I was obese and it was a sin.  I would not admit this until I read a verse one day and it struck me between the eyes that God is comparing gluttony (in all its forms) to the sin of drunkenness.  Gluttony (in the form of food) is loose living ... as the Hebrew words describes.  Is eating ice-cream a sin ... no.  Is eating too much ice-cream a sin ... yes.  And if not disciplined will manifest itself in a very visible and unhealthy way.

Pro 23:21  For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.


The realization of the truth of that verse settled it for me and I lost 75 lbs. in four months.  I kept it off for about 4 years and then found myself at 230 once again.  This is when I discovered running.  I began running about 2-3 miles per day and regained my normal weight of 180-185 lbs.  My cholesterol has dropped 200 points and all my vitals are in the normal range.  I am placing in the top three in a majority of my 5K and half marathon races.  I am as healthy as I have ever been in my life.  It was when I applied the spiritual principles of “running the race of life” to my physical and spiritual existence that I overcame the sin of obesity.


The reason this issue is of such importance is because over 70% of our “spiritual leaders” and body of Christ are obese.  Obesity it is a sin unless there is a real medical condition that causes it.  How can we seek to help people in spiritual disciples when we can’t disciple ourselves to take a fork out of our mouths …. Really. It’s as simple and powerful as that.  The world sees this as if they were to go to a gym and have an obese person leading their workout.  That would be insane.  The same is true with obesity in the Christian life … it should not exist. 


So … instead of focusing on whether drinking is or is not a sin … I believe a bigger focus is on realizing obesity is a sin and helping people understand how that impacts their ability to influence their worlds for Christ.


While we can debate how much drinking constitutes a sin, we have real evidence that obesity is a sin … just a much a sin as drunkenness.  The whole dietary aspect of the OT law was so that Israel could be healthy.  Everything that God forbids Israel to eat is proven to be bad for us.  While it is not a sin to eat pork … it is not the best of choices.  God knew that and placed it in the dietary aspect of the law given to Israel. 


Your body is the Temple of God, and as such, we should strive to take care of it in every way.  I believe it is important for believes to remove this blight from their circles.  If giving glory to God is truly our goal … let’s Get FIT both spiritually and physically.  If that means abstaining from alcohol for the glory of God (even though drinking in itself is not a sin) … so be it.  But with obesity there is no debate.  It is a sin!  My question to you today is:  RU FIT with a Faith that Influences Today?



Mark Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How Christians Should View Obesity

This link takes you to a well balanced article about how believers should view obesity.  Personally, I find it hypocritical for someone who doesn't need to be obese to be obese.  How can someone help others deal with the invisible spiritual realm when they can't even overcome the things that are visible ... like food.  I know it is a battle.  Recently I went from 230 lbs. to my current weight of 185.  It has saved my life ... I'm sure.  My cholesterol has come down 150 points ... and the only area I need to keep a close eye on is my triglycerides; they are slightly high.  I have found out that any sugars, carbs, or red meats after 8PM will elevate one's triglycerides. 

RU FIT?  Please love your family enough to address this issue before it is too late.  You are valuable to God ... treat yourself like it.

Mark Harrell - Habakkuk 2:2

Follow this link:

Monday, October 13, 2014

God is not Dead

God is not Dead

Tidewater College 1986

“You cannot use the Bible in this Philosophy class.  The Bible teaches absolutes, and there is no such thing as absolutes.”  These words were confidently spoken by the professor of the class I was taking at Tidewater College (in Va. Beach, Virginia) in 1986 as I was taking a few elective credits to finish up my degree from the Baptist University of America.

I remember it well.  The professor, walking in with shorts and a golf shirt, strutted into the packed classroom, plopped his briefcase on the desk and proceeded to begin his class with the statement above. After making the statement he asked if anyone had a question.  Without hesitation I raised my hand, allowing the professor to notice it hanging in the air amongst the overflowing classroom.  After a few seconds the professor acknowledged my outstretched hand and I said, “Are you absolutely sure about the statement you just made that there are no absolutes?  And if you aren’t absolutely sure, would it be possible for individuals to use their Bible’s for support of their beliefs?” 

A slight quirk formed on his lips as he replied, “Ok … I see your point.  You can use your Bible; however, I would ask you to take into account that not everyone holds your view, and since there are no absolutes, have an open mind during our discussions and debates as to what forms the basis of truth.”  To that I agreed, while other students look my way with slight nods of approval.

During the course of that semester many statements were made by the professor as to what constituted truth.  Of those statements, the one that stood out to me the most was when he espoused that truth is determined by the majority rule.  Truth becomes truth when more that 50% of the people of a given populace believe something to be true.  As I reflect back on the class that was I participated in more than 28 years ago, I can’t help but realize how true (in to society’s way of thinking) what he said has become.  This fact directly relates to how poorly the church, in general, has been in fulfilling its mandate to disciple those we bring into new life in Christ properly.

As I watch and participate in debates and discussions online, I reflect back on that class and realize how much ground Christians have lost.  We are, indeed, a post-Christian culture.  Anyone that seeks to engage in convincing the gainsayers must realize that fact.  If we approach a discussion with those outside (and with many … inside) the church we must not approach the subject from a Biblical point of view … else … we will lose them.  We must utilize the approach that Paul used on Mars Hill, when he pointed to the things that God made to reveal truth.

That brings us to a current debate spreading across our country as to the definition of marriage.  I see very clearly that the unsaved, and many professing Christians, are not using the Bible as their basis for making their case.  Indeed, we are living in the culture that my professor was talking about 28 years ago.  Truth is being determined by the majority rule.  The unseen (to those who have bought into this philosophy) danger to that way of thinking is anarchy.  Truth, in our culture, is not absolute as taught by the Bible in John 17:17, and because of this fact things will continue to morally deteriorate as mankind continues its journey through life.  The Bible did prophesy this in that things will “wax worse and worse” before the coming of our Lord.

Pe 3:3  Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

2Pe 3:4  And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

2Pe 3:5  For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

2Pe 3:6  Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

2Pe 3:7  But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

2Pe 3:8  But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

2Pe 3:9  The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

2Pe 3:10  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

2Pe 3:11  Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

2Pe 3:12  Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

2Pe 3:13  Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

2Pe 3:14  Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.

We must “occupy until He comes.”  We must “reconcile the Word of God to the world.”  We must be “ambassadors for Christ.”  We must “convince the gainsayers.”  We must engage our culture in a way they can understand.  We have the truth; it will impact them whether they choose to believe it or not.  We must give the people in our worlds of influence an opportunity to at least say no to the free gift of life and living offered by Jesus to all those who would believe.

1Ti 1:15  This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

1Ti 1:16  Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.

1Ti 1:17  Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

We all have our “God is not Dead” opportunities to share the truth with those in our worlds of influence.  Let us Get FIT (Faith Influencing Today) and Stay FIT beginning today!

Mark Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2

Friday, October 10, 2014

In honor of Dean

Purging Past Poltergeists

Purging Personal Poltergeists

(A Pastor for 3 days)

What is a poltergeist: A poltergeist (German for "noisy ghost") is a type of ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects moved around or destroyed. Poltergeists occupy numerous niches in cultural folklore, and have traditionally been described as troublesome spirits who haunt a particular person instead of a specific location.

The story I am about to tell happened in January of 1995 … that’s 20 years ago (as of 10/2014). The events associated with this moment in my past forever changed how I formulate decisions of life.  You may be wondering why I have chosen to keep this ghost/demon caged up within myself for that long.  Well … recently I have been exposed to more and more stories like mine.  Tragic stories of haunted individuals and families who have been let down by their spiritual leaders of the faith, leaders they trusted to guide them as they began their various ministries.  When my children (and many others close to me) read this, it will be the first time they have been exposed to the details of this important, and may I say, supernatural event in our lives.  Andrea was eighteen months old and Connor had yet to be born.

My story is not necessarily an indictment upon individuals; however, it is a denunciation upon how we (the institutional church) go about doing things as it pertains to developing and mentoring potential spiritual leaders.

 My story also reveals what is necessary to be in a position to be called a genuine spiritual leader.  It has to do with the Biblical stages of spiritual growth.  In the Bible (revealed by Paul, Timothy, Peter, and even the nation of Israel) there are seven basic stages of spiritual growth.  In order they are:  a babe, a little child, a child, a young man, a father, an elder, and the aged.  These stages are all important if one is to truly be in the position to mentor others in the faith as a spiritual leader.  There was a pivotal time in my ministry that I needed this relationship with a “father,” or an “elder.”  Sadly, no help was available until a year after this saga begins.

The stage Karen and I were about to experience was level 5 of spiritual growth, otherwise called separation and reconciliation (father).  It is at this stage that true spiritual leadership is born.  It is at this point that we learned to put our hands to the plow and never turn back.  It is at this point that one begins to learn what it means to truly live by faith.  You see, until one reaches stage five of spiritual growth (separation and reconciliation) they are of no concern to Satan and his plans.  However, once a person seeks to grow beyond being a spiritual “young man” and become a spiritual “father” to others, the true spiritual battle begins. 

My narrative begins in late 1993.  It was at this moment in time that I, through various circumstances, became convinced that God was moving my ministry in another direction.  I had ministered in churches since 1987 as a Youth Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Minister of Education, Couples Pastor, Young Adults Pastor, Athletic Director, and coached soccer and basketball … as well as taught in three different Christian Schools.  I met with the pastor of the church where I was ministering and shared my heart with him about starting a church.  Through many conversations we decided that the fall of 1995 would be an appropriate time to plan on beginning this endeavor. 

I subsequently went to the next NC/SC Fellowship meeting in Raleigh, NC in order to present my desire to the executive board.  I was confident that the Lord was prompting me to begin a church in Greenville NC. I arrived at the meeting and met with the executive members of the NC/SC Fellowship and specifically shared my goals and desires with them.  I didn’t want to plan a move until I had a method by with to support my family. They unanimously decided to present me to the rest of the pastors that evening and approve me for support at $250 a week for one year.  I knew that this amount would not be enough to sustain my family, but I also knew that it would go a long way in helping whatever job I could come up with meet our financial needs.  I expressed this to the executive board and they were in agreement.  The vote among the pastors was unanimous in approving me for one year support to build a church.

This is when things became interesting.  I was always taught to pay attention to where God is moving and join him.  And some interesting events starting taking shape immediately.  After the Fellowship vote a group of pastors pulled me aside and began earnestly persuading me to change my plans from going to Greenville, NC and check out a church in South Charlotte, NC.  The current pastor had been at the given location for over 30 years (one of the pastors talking to me had been on staff there in his early years) and was contemplating retirement.  There had been nobody saved or baptize in that church for over ten years.  It was time for a breath of life.  They saw me as a person who could go in and revitalize a failing church.  The building was paid off and had room to comfortably grow to over 500.  There was a base of about 30 people.  It was in a rural area, but an area that was going to grow.  And for sure, twenty years later, it is one of the fastest growing multicultural areas in Charlotte. 

I called Karen and told her what the pastors had shared with me; we decided I should at least check it out.  After the meeting I left for Charlotte.  The men who had talked with me said they would call the pastor of the church in South Charlotte and explain to him why I was coming.  I met with the pastor the next day and had an amazing conversation about the history of the church and plans for the future. I preached at the church and had a wonderful response from the people. It was exciting.  God seemed to be all over the situation.  I called the pastors that had encouraged me to go there; they were optimistic also.

A few months after coming back from the trip to Charlotte, the pastor of the church where I was ministering said that he wanted to move the time table up to January of 2015, instead of the fall of 2015, as we had prayed about, planned, and discussed.  He wanted to hire someone to replace me and needed to free up some money so he could bring him on for the amount he was asking.  In fact, he had to get rid of two of us that were on staff in order to bring on this one individual (that’s another horror story we don’t have time for now).  I viewed this as Satan trying to sidetrack me from the amazing things that were taking place in Charlotte.  The pastor said he would give us a lump sum of money if we would go in January instead of waiting until the fall of 2015.  So, with the support of the Fellowship of pastors in NC/SC, and the pleading of leading pastor of that very same fellowship (of whom I had regular contact) to go to Charlotte, I believed this to be God’s direction.

The day we were planning for finally arrived.  It was Saturday, December 31st of 1994.  We packed up our belongings, and prepared our 18 month old daughter, Andrea, for the trip and moved to Charlotte, NC to begin our ministry journey.  After dealing with a few circumstances, some of the members of the church where I was to pastor helped us move into our apartment off of Arrowood Road.

The next day was Sunday, so we all got spiffed up and went to church for the installment service.  The representative of the NC/SC Fellowship was there to preach the installment ceremony.  He did a fantastic job.  The church voted me in as pastor unanimously.  The former pastor even stood in front of the church and pledged his support for me and my family.  It was an invigorating feeling.  I had not felt such peace in a long time, as far a ministry was concerned.

The very next day, EVERYTHING until this day, changed!  Unknown to me, the former pastor had constantly been on the phone calling every member of the church and telling them he had changed his mind about my becoming pastor of the church.  I had not even preached one single message yet.  To this day it is still unclear (specifically) to me as to why he would turn on me so quickly.  It still seems to have some supernatural trappings.  He called me on Tuesday night (he couldn’t even speak clearly because he had lost his voice talking so much on the phone) to explain that he didn’t believe God was leading me to their church.  My heart dropped.  This man, who claimed to be a spiritual leader, had been gossiping and talking about me behind my back for three days, all the while claiming he was speaking for God in this matter, but what he really needed was a good dose of Matthew eighteen.  There is a right way to handle situations with people, and this was not the way to do it.

The next morning I called the leader of the NC/SC fellowship and explained to him what had just transpired.  He proceeded to inform me that he didn’t want to support a dying church, no matter how promising, and that if I chose to stay there that he would withdraw support that was promised to me by the fellowship of pastors.  I asked him if the other pastors who had encouraged me to pursue this course of action agreed with him, and he said, “This is my decision.  It is final.”  He said, “I’ve never seen a dead church come to life, and you can’t do it either.” I then called a spiritual mentor of mine and explained the situation to him.  I will tell you what he encouraged me to do, and then I’ll explain what I now know I should have done had I known then what I now know.

He, my spiritual mentor, said that I should share with the church that had just unanimously voted me in as their pastor three days prior what the former pastor had done, why it was wrong, and what my true vision was for the future.  He then said to have them vote (I now know that the vote had already been done according to the constitution of that church and was binding; another vote was unnecessary.) as to whether they wanted me to go or stay.  He said to tell them that if they voted for me to stay that we would have the support we needed to be successful (even if everyone left, we would have had a paid off building with which to build a new church). While saying this, I now know that had it been Jesus Christ standing before the people, the result would be the same.  The former pastor had an unusual stranglehold on the people.  What the people needed was a leader who knew the purpose of the church and how to get them there.  In retrospect, I should have held my ground and stayed … trusting in God, not men to be my fortress.

So, as a young naïve man, that’s what I did.  That Wednesday I stood before the congregation, shared why I believed what the pastor had done was wrong, and my vision for the future.  I could tell many of them were struggling to stand to vote me out.  The wife of the pastor was the last to stand; she had a very sympathetic look on her face toward me.  It took a while for everyone to make their decision.  It was as if they knew this was a vital point in the existence of their church.  In fact, it was an instrumental time for the church.  Over the years the demographics began to change into a multicultural area (not mostly Caucasian), and instead of following the Great Commission and reaching the nations (people groups), in 2009 he sold the church for about a million dollars.  He sent half of it to a church he was close to and kept the rest to retire on.  Sadly, what could have been a church with a zeal to win people to Christ and make disciples of the nations is now gone.

After the vote I walk out of the church never to return.  That event is what forever changed the landscape as to how I look at spiritual leadership and making life decisions.  I know that there is a possibility that God could have been saving me from much heartache through following the advice given me; however, there is also a part of me that wonders what would have happened had I been given the advise to take true leadership of the situation and tell the people that I’m here come hell or high water, and that I’ll minister side by side with whomever decides to stay with me tonight.  Today, that area is teeming with the nations (people groups from all over the world).

The next week we met in our apartment to begin establishing a church the way the leader of the NC/SC Fellowship had dictated.  Only receiving $250 a week, it was necessary for me to find a job to give us enough income to survive (had I stayed at the church I would have had some supplemental income to help for that first year).  The cheapest apartment rental in a safe area was $800, and that was in 1995.  Having a Bible College degree, the only job I could get was to sale cars … the work hours were 5 days a week 8am – 8pm.  I was considered over-qualified for Wal-Mart, etc.  I visited and called prospects for our church plant at every open moment.  I spent very little time with Karen and Andrea during that time.  It is a blur in my mind to this day.  We moved to charlotte with zero debt; conversely, 9 months later, had incurred over $10,000 of debt to just survive.  This would not have been the case had I had the full support of the NC/SC Fellowship to revitalize the church in South Charlotte.

I have to add this for you to understand how this impacted my future life experiences.  The pastor that gave me the advice to have the church RE-VOTE on me asked me to come and talk with him … I did.  When I arrived at his church he began to tell me who much I didn’t know about the church and how unprepared I was.  Well, this floored me for many reason.  The first thing that popped into my head was this:  If I wasn’t prepared, why did the executive committee of the NC/SC Fellowship unanimously endorse me to be supported?  If I wasn’t prepared, why didn’t even ONE of the spiritual leaders (pastors) pull me aside (after I shared with them the intimate details of my vision and plans) and say, “You aren’t ready, son.  Come work with me for a few years, and if you believe this is what God still wants, we will help you get it done.”  If I was unprepared, why didn’t the pastor who was sitting across the desk from me invite me to learn from him?  He had every resource to do so.  None of that happened.  I left that meeting asking God to show me, in specific terms, what He wanted for me, since I was getting little help from my spiritual mentors.  Little did I Know God was preparing me for events that would not happen until June of 2011 … and beyond.

That brings me to 9 months later.  I had been burning the candle at both ends attempting to dig a church out of the ground (like the leader of the NC/SC Fellowship informed me was his ideal) when I received a call from said pastor.  I was encouraged.  It had been nine months and not a single pastor of the fellowship had called me and asked me how we were doing.  I thought to myself, “Finally … someone is showing concern for our family.” 

Not so fast!  When we met for a meal, for which I paid, he informed me that he had made the decision to stop our support at nine months because we weren’t growing fast enough for him.  My world collapsed.  I literally could not see normally.  I explained to him all that I was doing to provide for my family and reach out to our area.  I also reminded him about the horror story nine months previously at Shopton Road.  He said the $250 a week had been more than sufficient, but that he now needed that support for others.  He showed no concern.  It broke my heart that I’d have to go home and share this with my wife.

What happened next is amazing!  It goes back the talk I had with God while walking out of the office of my spiritual mentor nine months previously.  God was beginning to show us that He wanted us in the Charlotte area … even though he was allowing some very “special” circumstances to take place.  The very next day I received a call from a church plant in Concord, NC that was interested in my candidating to be pastor of their church.  I preached three services and was unanimously voted in as pastor.  The only negative vote came from the man who wanted to be the pastor of that very church.  This began a five year journey that God used to chip off the raw edges of my life and build a spiritual leader that could mentor others … the way I was not.

Enter … a true spiritual leader (mentor).  About six months into my tenure as a new pastor in Concord, I had an “accidental” rendezvous with Ken.  My family was on our way to Sarasota, Fl, and as we were traveling through Ocala, Fl., I called Ken to ask if he wanted to meet us for lunch.  This we did … and our journey to getting spiritually FIT (Faith Influencing Today) officially began.  Ken started investing time and money (plane tickets, etc) into developing us into spiritual leaders that could influence the lives of others.  He was providing for me and my family what hadn’t been supplied up until that point.  He was investing LIFE into us!  He didn’t just shovel money our way and hope everything worked out; Ken and Karin invested their lives into our lives.  It was an expedition that begun in 1996 and has continued until this very day.  No other spiritual leader, or mentor, has loved us a truly and as authentically as Ken and Karin have loved and cared for us.

Another God moment occurred shortly after the church in Concord, NC voted for me to be their pastor.  Karen had applied to teach at a Christian School in Charlotte … which didn’t work out … but soon after received a call from a school in Salisbury, NC that needed her 2 weeks prior to school starting.  To say the least … that was a miracle!  It was a God thing!  Not only did they give her a job, but they also hired me to teach Bible.  We had gone from having zero options (as of the meeting with the leader of the NC/SC Fellowship), to watching God pave the way for us.  He met our needs in a way that could be met by only Him.  God was showing us He had a plan for us in the Charlotte area.
We taught there for three years until the school where Karen had originally applied called and offered her a position to teach.  This was needed because our family was growing, and the school in Charlotte was much closer to where we lived.  Karen still teaches at that same school today.

The third God moment that happened occurred when we had a financial need of $1700 to be paid immediately. I went to the mailbox, and to my surprise, found a check from a church where I had worked in 1987 for … you guessed it … $1700.  God was showing Himself faithful at every opportunity.  Needless to say, our faith was growing exponentially.
We, purposefully, stepped out of the pastoral ministry in 2002 in order to work side by side with people in the secular workforce.  God allowed me to impact lives in every secular job I have ever worked.  I “told” God that I would never send a resume out and that if He wanted me back in the pastoral ministry that “He knew where I was.”  In 2011, as I was traveling to a soccer match to officiate in Monroe, NC, I received a call from an assistant pastor at Northside Baptist saying that he had recommended me to be a candidate to pastor a church in Oakboro, NC.  I preached four times and they unanimously voted me in as their pastor that June. 

God is working in amazing ways at  We have taken three years to lay the ground work necessary to impact lives.  We could not possibly be in the position we are in currently had we not experienced the heartache and horror of the past.  While things COULD have been done differently, God is God.  Nothing that happened took Him by surprise.  He used it all to accomplish a work within us:

Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.


Philippians 1:6  Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:


In closing, God used that nine month period in 1995 to leave an indelible fingerprint as to how I now think about Christian leadership and how God REALLY “calls” individuals into the pastoral ministry.  It impacts practically EVERY decision I make and EVERY relationship I develop.  I don’t want others to go through the horror of what my family was put through.  It didn’t have to happen.  It could have been avoided.  It is the basis of why I am beginning my RU FIT Ministry – Curing Spiritual and Physical Obesity at  I truly desire to influence individual lives in a meaningful way.


May God honor the heart and intent of this letter,


Mark Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Tribulation Gleanings

Matthew 24 Is NOT the Rapture of the Church

There will be a group of people, on the earth, during the tribulation period that will be looking for the “appearing” of the Lord (Matt. 24:30). This event is known as the Second Coming. It is important that we not confuse the invisible coming of the Lord - I Thess. 4:15-17 (The harvest of the Church – at least seven years prior to the 2nd Coming) with the visible appearing of the King of Kings as he returns to the earth to establish his one thousand year kingdom. The group of people that will be looking for the visible return of the Lord is the tribulation saints.

Hebrews 9:27-28 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: [28] So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Individual words are a key to unlocking Biblical understanding, and that rule plays a major part in understanding the gleanings. There is one more passage that I must delve into so you can see the truth stand out on the pages of God’s Word. That passage is Matthew 24.  The key words and phrases to look for as you read this passage are (vs. 4-5, 11): The first word to consider is deceive. The Bible says that there will be many who will attempt to deceive you concerning the timing of the 2nd coming of the Lord.

Wow!  That statement is true to the core. Remember, you must believe the words of the Bible, not what people say about the Bible. That is why these keys are of vital importance to anyone who wants to understand the times in which we live. This world is looking for “spirituality,” and most are looking for truth in all the wrong places. We must study to shew ourselves approved so we can give honest answers to those who are seeking after spiritual fulfillment (vs. 21). This verse pinpoints the time of this discourse. It is during the time of great tribulation.

(vs. 27) The coming of the Son of man is a revealing phrase. As you compare Scripture with Scripture, you will observe, as you study the words of the Bible, that when God is referring to the earthly ministry of Jesus that He uses the phrase, “The Son of man” as a description. Therefore, when the “Son of manappears in the clouds, and every eye sees Him – it is speaking of the visible return of the Lord (at the end of the tribulation – 2nd gleaning), and not the invisible return (at the end of the Church age – Harvest of the church).

In Revelation nineteen, we are given a detailed description of this event. The Groom (Jesus) has been married to His wife (The church, not Mary) and He is preparing to return to the earth (2nd coming) in order to set up His Millennial Kingdom. The saints, who are riding with Jesus on white horses, are the Church Age believers (from the ascension of Christ until the catching away of the church) that were faithful to the purpose of God while in their earthly bodies. Jesus is coming to this earth wearing their glory!

He is wearing the crowns that his faithful brethren laid at his feet during their moment at the judgment seat of Christ.  When He comes, He will glean the tribulation saints out of this world and defeat the Antichrist along with all of the nations that made a choice to follow the dragon. This is the Jezreel Valley separation of the sheep nations from the goat nations that we read about in the Bible. 

At this point in time there will only be one group of people left alive upon the earth (the sheep nations). This group is the “nations” that did not willingly take the mark of the beast, and that did not follow the Antichrist in his attempt to take Jerusalem. These are those that doctrinally endured to the end; they will be given the privilege to enter the kingdom of heaven because they were friends of Israel. As you can plainly see – God does everything decently and in order, and words really do mean something!

(vs. 29) The 2nd gleaning is to happen after the tribulation of those days. Not before, but after the tribulation of those days.

(vs. 31) Now we come to the 2nd gleaning. Jesus sends his angels to the four corners of the earth in order to glean the tribulation saints out of this world. They are the guests at the wedding that we read about in the book of Matthew. The friends at the wedding are the Old Testament saints.

No More Harvestings (All Are Accounted For)

Jesus is now on the earth, and is ruling as the King of kings and Lord of lords; therefore, there are no more people groups to be harvested. At the end of the Millennial Kingdom, the mystery of iniquity will have only one more opportunity to thwart God’s plan for an eternal Kingdom (Isaiah 9:6-9). The dragon will fail, and the curse of sin will be removed once and for all. We, humanity, will make a full circle back to Genesis one, and the plan God has for man, this earth, and the universe will officially commence. Sin will have run its course, and it will be forever eradicated!  This is the completion of the mystery of iniquity.

Mark Harrell - Habakkuk 2:2