Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Tribulation Gleanings

Matthew 24 Is NOT the Rapture of the Church

There will be a group of people, on the earth, during the tribulation period that will be looking for the “appearing” of the Lord (Matt. 24:30). This event is known as the Second Coming. It is important that we not confuse the invisible coming of the Lord - I Thess. 4:15-17 (The harvest of the Church – at least seven years prior to the 2nd Coming) with the visible appearing of the King of Kings as he returns to the earth to establish his one thousand year kingdom. The group of people that will be looking for the visible return of the Lord is the tribulation saints.

Hebrews 9:27-28 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: [28] So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Individual words are a key to unlocking Biblical understanding, and that rule plays a major part in understanding the gleanings. There is one more passage that I must delve into so you can see the truth stand out on the pages of God’s Word. That passage is Matthew 24.  The key words and phrases to look for as you read this passage are (vs. 4-5, 11): The first word to consider is deceive. The Bible says that there will be many who will attempt to deceive you concerning the timing of the 2nd coming of the Lord.

Wow!  That statement is true to the core. Remember, you must believe the words of the Bible, not what people say about the Bible. That is why these keys are of vital importance to anyone who wants to understand the times in which we live. This world is looking for “spirituality,” and most are looking for truth in all the wrong places. We must study to shew ourselves approved so we can give honest answers to those who are seeking after spiritual fulfillment (vs. 21). This verse pinpoints the time of this discourse. It is during the time of great tribulation.

(vs. 27) The coming of the Son of man is a revealing phrase. As you compare Scripture with Scripture, you will observe, as you study the words of the Bible, that when God is referring to the earthly ministry of Jesus that He uses the phrase, “The Son of man” as a description. Therefore, when the “Son of manappears in the clouds, and every eye sees Him – it is speaking of the visible return of the Lord (at the end of the tribulation – 2nd gleaning), and not the invisible return (at the end of the Church age – Harvest of the church).

In Revelation nineteen, we are given a detailed description of this event. The Groom (Jesus) has been married to His wife (The church, not Mary) and He is preparing to return to the earth (2nd coming) in order to set up His Millennial Kingdom. The saints, who are riding with Jesus on white horses, are the Church Age believers (from the ascension of Christ until the catching away of the church) that were faithful to the purpose of God while in their earthly bodies. Jesus is coming to this earth wearing their glory!

He is wearing the crowns that his faithful brethren laid at his feet during their moment at the judgment seat of Christ.  When He comes, He will glean the tribulation saints out of this world and defeat the Antichrist along with all of the nations that made a choice to follow the dragon. This is the Jezreel Valley separation of the sheep nations from the goat nations that we read about in the Bible. 

At this point in time there will only be one group of people left alive upon the earth (the sheep nations). This group is the “nations” that did not willingly take the mark of the beast, and that did not follow the Antichrist in his attempt to take Jerusalem. These are those that doctrinally endured to the end; they will be given the privilege to enter the kingdom of heaven because they were friends of Israel. As you can plainly see – God does everything decently and in order, and words really do mean something!

(vs. 29) The 2nd gleaning is to happen after the tribulation of those days. Not before, but after the tribulation of those days.

(vs. 31) Now we come to the 2nd gleaning. Jesus sends his angels to the four corners of the earth in order to glean the tribulation saints out of this world. They are the guests at the wedding that we read about in the book of Matthew. The friends at the wedding are the Old Testament saints.

No More Harvestings (All Are Accounted For)

Jesus is now on the earth, and is ruling as the King of kings and Lord of lords; therefore, there are no more people groups to be harvested. At the end of the Millennial Kingdom, the mystery of iniquity will have only one more opportunity to thwart God’s plan for an eternal Kingdom (Isaiah 9:6-9). The dragon will fail, and the curse of sin will be removed once and for all. We, humanity, will make a full circle back to Genesis one, and the plan God has for man, this earth, and the universe will officially commence. Sin will have run its course, and it will be forever eradicated!  This is the completion of the mystery of iniquity.

Mark Harrell - Habakkuk 2:2

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