Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Be Like a Zombie

Be Like a Zombie!

I really mean it!  Christians need to be “like” zombies if we are to fulfill the purpose of God!  This is no joke! 

Let me explain by delving into the aftereffects of being bitten by a lively zombie.  How is it that, in any zombie movie, becoming a zombie spreads so quickly?  I mean … it begins with a few infected people, and before you know it, tens of thousands … even millions are infected.  How does this multiplication happen so quickly, and what lessons can Christians learn from these lifeless zombies when it comes to fulfilling the purpose of God on this earth?


It’s quite simple really.  Let’s take 50 zombies just to paint a clear picture as to how zombism spreads so quickly, and with seemingly little effort.  All that happens is these 50 zombies bite just (1) person each, and very quickly there are 100 zombies.  Then those 100 zombies mosey along, lumbering from place to place and each one just bites one more normal person; thusly, the number of zombies grows from 100 to 200.


Time goes by and the 200 bite just 1 more each and it grows to 400 … and then to 800 … and then to 1,600 … and then to 3,200 … and then to 6,400 … and then to 12,800 … and then to 25,600 … all of this by each zombie just biting one normal person each.  Before you know it there are millions of zombies slowly meandering around biting one person after another.


So … instead of being zombie killers … each and every Christian should learn a lesson from zombies and begin the multiplication process of “infecting” others (one at a time) with the truth of the gospel where we live, work, and play. 
The question is:  Who will you bite in the near future and expose them to the truth of the gospel?
Mark Harrell - Habakkuk 2:2

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