Saturday, May 9, 2015

God Is Into Running

God Thing In My Running


I want to share a “God Thing” that happened during my 9 mile run today on the Clark Creek Greenway.  I was about 2.5 miles into my run (just under the I-85 Bridge) and thought I was going to have to stop my run and walk back to where I parked my car.  Well … just about then I passed a gentleman who asked if he could run with me.  I said that would be great and we began introducing ourselves and sharing how prayer is a major part of our long runs (that was pretty cool in itself).  His name was Finnegan and he is from Ireland.  I told him I was of Scottish heritage and from the McGregor clan, and he said, “Oh, the McGregor clan.”  He smiled and we continued running.


I explained to him my knee issue and he asked me to run ahead of him so he could watch my gait for about a quarter of a mile.  He explained to me that he was an Ultra runner and used a certain technique that seemed to help him keep from injury.  He asked if I would run the rest of my run using his method and see if that helped.  I agreed, and we began to run at a brisk pace for about .75 of a mile and then walk as a fast pace for about .75 of a mile.  We did this for 7 miles and by the 2nd mile of that 7 mile endeavor my knee totally quit hurting.  He explained to me that this type of running allowed for you to run farther with less pain, fatigue and injury.  After my 9 miles I had to say I totally agree.  I felt like I could run another 5 with no problem at all.




I believe with all my heart that God is interested in my FITness, and that he had Finnegan and me run today when we did so we would meet up with each other.  This style of running (of more than 6 miles) pattern, I believe, is going to save me from seriously injuring my legs.  I was always told when I hurt to “push through the pain.”  That is NOT what is to happen.  To GET and STAY FIT we are to run wisely and purposefully.  May we all RUN the RACE of life with patience, enduring to the end while accomplishing our purpose for living.



Mark Harrell – Habakkuk 2:2

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